About Me

Leticia Melo

Hi, I’m Leticia

Web3 Content Marketer

If you’ve worked with me you know how much I love what I do.

As boring as it may sound, as geeky as it is, as weird and risky as web3 can be, I wouldn’t want change it for the world.

Somehow I’m making it while feeling both clueless and an expert every day.

Welcome aboard, it’s going to be a fun ride!

my background

the story behind the storyteller

I’m a Content Strategist and Writer published by web3 companies such as Rarible, DappRadar, and DailyCoin.

I’ve helped web3 brands build their narratives and have told their stories countless times. In here, I’m telling mine.

Before NFTs and crypto were my thing, I accumulated years of experience as a web2 content marketer.

When 2020 hit, things started changing. The bull dragged me into web3 and I never left.

FOMO aside, I knew I wanted to be a part of this crazy, exciting universe. I needed to apply my marketing knowledge to web3.

But it wasn’t that simple.

After learning all I could about blockchains, crypto, NFTs and so on, I realized I was missing something more important.

The web3 culture. Its people.

Marketing in web3 isn’t the same as I was used to in web2.

Things move faster. There are scams everywhere. Sometimes nothing makes any sense!

Luckily, I’m a first-generation Brazilian immigrant in Europe, so there’s little that can surprise me.

Now, I’m opening up my study blog to anyone wanting to keep up with the web3 space. Welcome aboard.

web3 history is being written now

Join me in studying how we’re doing it right – and learn from our worst mistakes